Advertising Purchase Page
Use the following links for purchasing Business or Services Advertising related to Classic Cars BEFORE sending us your images!
Image Specifications: .JPG .GIF or .PNG files only!
DO NOT SEND .pdf, Word .docx or PowerPoint documents.
Dimensions: 400 x 230 pixels minimum display size. You can send us images up to 600 x 345 pixels for a better expanded image resolution when your ad is clicked on by someone who is looking at it.
Note: If you don’t know what pixels are, and need help, please Contact Us or visit our Ad Design Services page. Images must be in a .jpg .gif or.png format only. You can scan a business card in high resolution, adjust it to the dimensions specified for the ad size you are purchasing, and send it to us using the information below:
Send your properly sized ad image as a file attachment via email to along with a copy of the confirmation message you’ll receive when completing your purchase. You can just “Reply” to that message WITH your ad file attached.
Specialty Automotive Services Ad – 1 Year
Image Specifications: Between 400 x 230 pixels min, and 600 x 345 pixels max

Specialty Automotive Services – Your ad will run for 12 months for the low low fee of only $100! In addition, we will distribute free of charge any amount of flyers and literature you provide us with at local cars shows and cruise nights!!